Thursday, May 15, 2008

One Year Ago Today...

Mom and Dad passed away on the same day...just 14 years a part. Dad passed away in 1993 and Mom was welcomed home a year ago on May 16th, 2007. This is a tribute to their amazing love and legacy. We miss them terribly but know that we have the hope and promise of being reunited with them again.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas 2007

This time of the year is always amazing because Mom and family always made it all the more special. I was reminded of that the other day when I was flying home from a recent trip. I knew I was getting closer to home when I looked out the window down to the white covered ground. Since attending college in California this made it all the more exciting. Mom will be missed this year but I do know she is truly home for Christmas. I struggle to wrap myself around that hope but know that she is having probably the best Christmas ever.

My brother Randy and me have recorded a few different audio Christmas cards and have shared them with friends and family. We only had the chance to record two with Mom but even in those times shared, we had the chance to capture some great stories and moments. This year we recorded a new one and highlighted some great memories with Mom. I posted this recording along with some of my photos of 2007 to my website. The link is posted below. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Thank you for joining us in the journey this year.

Sights and Sounds of Christmas (

Friday, November 16, 2007

It's Not Any Easier

I would be lying if I said that in time I've been able to wrap my mind around Mom not being here. If anything as time has moved forward I miss her even more. As it's been now six months since she has been gone I still can't seem to comprehend her absence. It's not getting any easier. I wish it was but it's not.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

In The Moment

I haven't done much blogging lately. However I needed to be with Mom this afternoon and after I dropped off my brother Richard to pick up his tractor down near Mom and Dad's cemetery I wanted to swing by their little corner spot. It was nice to finally not have to fight off the mosquitoes and horseflies. Every time I leave their little resting spot I feel inspired and reminded of how amazing they were to me and how awesome parents I had the honor of having. Just as the sun was setting I saw a little silhouette of an angel on top of one of the monuments in the cemetery. The sky was so amazing so I snapped a quick photo with my phone and I think it captures best what I experienced this afternoon. Thanks Mom and Dad for being with me once again "In The Moment".

Friday, August 31, 2007

Happy Birthday...

Dear. Mom

For your birthday this weekend I thought I'd write a note to you.
You've been on my mind a lot this week. The goldenrod is in full bloom along the side of the road and you always reminded me that this meant fall was in the air. It won't be long now until the leaves will soon follow and before we know it, fall will be in full swing.

The summer has gone by fast as Maine summers seem to always do. One day the calendar says it's the Fourth of July and the next weekend seems like Labor Day. Those seven to eight weeks in between seem but a blur. It was very strange to not see any sort of a garden out in front of the house this year. Probably I'd guess to say that this was the first year the Corey farm has never had some sort of garden. I was reminded the other day when late last summer you ventured down to the garden on your own and you took a little tumble, you were okay and everything. You just sort of sat there until you heard someone drive up the driveway. Sure enough your granddaughter Hannah heard your hollers and came down to your rescue. Hard to believe that was only a year ago.

I was looking through some pictures the other day. I remember I took some shots of you and your sunflowers a few summers ago. I can remember how impressed you were with how well they did. I'm thankful I was able to capture that memory through some of the pictures we did that afternoon.

The family stays busy with life and all that is going on. Ron finally has some new wheels and he is on the road to recovery. It's amazing how many similarities the two of you share. It was very hard to be back at St. Mary's hospital the last week or so. Ron was literally just two doors down on the same wing where you were admitted when you first started dialysis. Each time I walked past your old room a part of me wanted to just check to see if you were in there. So...Mom you'd be proud of Ron for what he went through in having his knees replaced just like you had done 7 1/2 years ago. We're looking forward to a much better quality of life for Ron as he becomes more mobile.

The Farmington Fair is just a few weeks away and remember what we did last year Mom? I can't believe this still but I remember you walked up and down those stairs to the exhibition hall. In fact you walked the whole time we were there with barely any assistance. I was so proud of you and more than anything thankful that we were able to share that time together.

So Mom on this birthday you can tell for me it's a maze of both the present and the past. I think that is what is the hardest thing for me right now. I'm trying to be present in this "moment" but I'm also not wanting to forget (and never will) all the "last" things that we experienced together. I mean even the simple things catch me off guard and bring me right back to moments with you. I was walking in Wal-Mart just last night and passed the juice isle and their was your little Welch's white grape juice bottles. You burned through a lot of those and I just remember how much comfort those brought you. There are so many simple things Mom that all add up. So what I'm trying to say Mom is once again thank you for all those things that make me laugh and cry at the same time.

You will be thought of often this weekend. We will not forget you Mom and on your birthday weekend we will celebrate your life and all the gifts you gave to each one.

Happy Birthday Mom!
I miss and love you so much!
With deep admiration.
Your Son,

Thursday, August 2, 2007

On The Road

I'm currently traveling for the next three weeks (until August 20th). I will be posting my travel journey's at my other blog site. Feel free to check out my daily updates from the road.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Just Some Thoughts

It's July 1st and summer is in full swing. I just returned from a vacation. It felt good to get away for a bit. I'm not sure what to write about really. I guess I just feel at a loss and I'd really like nothing more than to just talk with Mom and feel her little love pats. I just miss her so much.

Now that I've had a little bit of time to re-group I guess it's time to recalibrate. That's a loaded word and its meaning seems pretty vague to me but for what it's worth it describes where I'm at and how I'm needing to put things in perspective. It is helpful to get away and change the scenery for a bit. I was at a book store for a few hours while on vacation and I picked up a book about grief and how to cope with loss. It wasn't a manual or some how-to book. The book was more geared towards how to handle the first year's of loss and it's format was much like a daily devotional. I was tight on space packing wise so I wrote down the books title and author and hope to maybe pick it up in the near future.

There has been a lot of loss in my life over the last year. I think that's maybe why that word recalibrate seems to stick so well. I've had to tackle some real hard endings and beginnings both in vocation, relationships and now in grief and mourning with the passing of my Mom. This year has had many teachable moments and now it's time to put some of that education and experience in motion. This sabbatical of life has not just been a new perspective it's been more of new awakening of purpose and desire.

It's a rare opportunity when one has a chance like I have had over this year long journey to literally be submerged in the moment. Much like how an exchange student learns a new language. I didn't need a passport I just needed to be available and used. I'm so thankful I didn't miss the opportunity. I can actually finally look back on a season in my life and be grateful for not missing the moment. God literally had to turn my life upside down in order to grab my attention. If the cruise control had been set, I would have flown on by and missed the blessing God had for me. The detour sign that caught my attention was not pretty and the road that brought me to the intersection was very painful and ugly. However, it was at that intersection where my new journey would begin and little did I know how much God would want me to learn from my Mom in her final chapter of life.

What's on the pages of my own new chapter? Once again I'm brought back to the book of Philipians where I'm reminded to be anxious for nothing...I'm already praying that whatever I'm suposed to do or wherever I'm suposed to be doing it, I will take the dividend of this season and multiply it. I firmly believe that's what Mom meant by saying "Make every moment matter". I'm doing my best to lean into His own understanding.

I've struggled with this posting more so than others. Perhaps because of its vulnerability I'm not sure. Whatever the case maybe, I'm trying to process my grief and not deny it. Too often as a society we're told to be strong. Mom told me to be brave, not strong. There is a difference. I want to be brave and take on this next chapter of life. Thanks Mom for that amazing reminder to me. I had no idea what I would find myself writing about tonight. He knew and that's all that matters.